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Web and Mobile Applications

We develop cloud-accessible web applications and mobile applications installable on all iOS and Android devices. Secure and performant, designed to adapt and evolve to your business.

A web-based or iOS / Android mobile application has unique advantages and features. The choice of which solution is best to adopt depends on multiple factors (e.g., audience, complexity, goals, etc.). We will guide you in the choice, advising you which tool best meets your needs.

Creating the application's user interface (UI) using React or VueJs components, managing navigation and user interactions.

Implementing the application's business logic, often using technologies like PHP and Node.js.

Creating hybrid iOS and Android apps using React Native framework, accessible, secure, and performant compiled into native code.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA or 2FA) utilizes multiple factors such as passwords, smartphones, and fingerprints to make it difficult for attackers to bypass security defenses. It can be implemented in various ways, including one-time passwords (OTP) or mobile authentication apps.

Creating RESTful or GraphQL APIs to enable communication between frontend, backend, or third-party systems.

Implementing the database schema and relationships (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase Realtime Database, MongoDB, etc.).

Configuring and managing push notifications to engage users and provide updates.

Using libraries (e.g., Redux, MobX, Pinia, etc.) to manage the application's global state.

Implementing error handling and logging systems for monitoring and troubleshooting problems.

Writing automated tests to verify the correct functioning of functionalities.

Integration with third-party services such as maps, payment gateways, social media, SMTP, APIs, etc.

Connect to Internet of Things (IoT) devices to collect, manage data, and send commands for remote control.

Integrate ML or AI models into the application for content interpretation, image processing, computer vision, etc.

Manage background tasks, such as data synchronization or periodic notifications.

3D applications developed in ThreeJS: immersive and engaging, able to amaze and offer a more innovative experience.

Optimize application performance, reducing loading time and improving responsiveness.

Apply best practices to ensure data security and prevent vulnerabilities, potential data loss or data breaches.

Configure development pipelines to automate application release and testing.

Secure and scalable cloud architectures on the leading most performant providers: AWS, DigitalOcean, Firebase, etc.

Use Git version control systems to manage source code.

Code review to ensure quality, adherence to standards, and requirements compliance before releasing new features.

Create technical documentation for application developers and users.

Want the recipe for the perfect product?

Just the right amount of code. Success comes from how we manage each task, our approach perfected by experience is at the heart of every process.

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